Refunds & Exchanges

What is GFAAPPAREL return policy?

We want you to love your purchase, but if you are not completely satisfied, we gladly accept most returns by mail within 30 days of purchase for free.

How refunds are received

  • You have proof of purchase: If you have your original receipt, the credit card you used to purchase, your return label or packing slip, you will get a refund in the original form of payment
  • It was a gift: If you have a gift receipt, a return label or a bridal registry number, you will get a refund in the form of a store credit
  • You don't have proof of purchase: You may still be eligible for store credit for the item's lowest selling price within the last 180 days

We will credit your account(s) within 10 business days of receiving your return. It may take several days to post activity to your account. 

Note: Please include only the items listed on your return label in the corresponding box. If you have multiple return labels, return items in separate boxes and apply the correct return label to each box to ensure you receive your refund without further delays.